Модальные глаголы

modal verbs can must may should might #модальныеглаголы
разница между must и should
модальные глаголы can must may should might #cancould #mustcan #maymight
модальные глаголы can must may should might #заменителимодальныхглаголов
модальные глаголы can must may should might #hadtohaveto
модальные глаголы can в прошедшем времени
модальные глаголы can must в будущем времени
модальные глаголы can must may should might
что такое модальные глаголы
модальные глаголы в английском языке


Упражнение 1
Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения

1.You can see a ball.
2.Sam can ride a bike.
3.Children can play computer games.
4.Harry can swim well.
5.Harold can speak Russian well.
6.People can travel in summer.
7.Children can make a snowman.
8.Polly can have a pet on her birthday.

Упражнение 1а
Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения

1.You can borrow my pen.
2.They can have a double room at the hotel.
3.The tourists can snowboard here.
4.You can have a sleep during the flight.
5.This dog can smell different kinds of drugs.

borrow- взять, drugs-наркотики

Здесь можно посмотреть подсказку

Упражнение 2
Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время
Смотрите Правила английского языка. Модальный глагол Can

1.The dogs can smell different kinds of drugs.
2.The passengers can sleep during the flight.
3.The seat can be comfortable.
4.The passengers can spend cash in the duty-free shop.
5.You can have soft drinks in this cafe.
6.Who can have a double room at the hotel?
7.What can you do to have an interesting job?
8.Where can you stay during the trip?

smell-нюхать,drugs- наркотики,flight- полет,spend- тратить,double- двухместный,cash-наличные, soft drinks-безалкогольные напитки, mines- шахты

Упражнение 3
Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения

1.The child could carry his luggage himself.
2.The tourist could have a double room at the hotel
3.The receptionist could answer all the questions.
4.The boy could push the button and enter the lift.
5.We could reach the airport in time.
6.Sam could buy presents in the duty-free shop.
7.Jack could save time by traveling by auto.

push-нажать, enter-войти, reach-добраться, save-сэкономить, carry-нести, luggage-багаж, double-двухместный

Упражнение 4
Поставьте предложения в будущее время
Образец: He can help you.-He will be able to help you

1.You can buy cheap goods here.
2.We can stop the car and have a swim in the sea.
3.You can see the biggest waterfall in the world.
4.The porter can help you with your luggage.
5.The Saint Bernard can find lost travelers.
6.You can buy a present for your family in a duty-free shop.
7.The dog can smell different kinds of drugs.

cheap-дешевый,goods- товар,waterfall-водопад,porter- носильщик,find- найти
Упражнение 5
Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения

1.You will be able to leave a message for your friend.
2.The child will be able to button his coat without his mother’s help.
3.The students will be able to use the computers.
4.The journalist will be able to talk to the local people.
5.The divers will be able to see the beauty of the ocean.
6.You’ll be able to find rare plants here.
7.The local people will be able to work at this plant.

Упражнение 6
Поставьте предложения в будущее время

1.You can have the best room in the hotel.
2.The tourists can see all the sights of the city.
3.The guide can tell you a lot of interesting stories about the city museum.
4.A policeman can help you if you lose your way.
5.You can spend your holidays at the seaside.
6.You can not smoke in this restaurant.
7.The child can not have classes as he has a cold.
8.You can catch cold if you eat so much ice-cream.
9.What can I have in this restaurant?
10. Can you come a little earlier?
11.What can you put into this suitcase? It’s too little.
12.How much money can you spend during your trip?

sights-достопримечательности, spend-проводить, suitcase-чемодан

Упражнение 7
Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время по образцу

Образец:You can have a snack in this bar.-
You could have a snack in this bar.
You were able to have a snack in this bar.

1.You can believe this story.
2.You can’t put your clothes into that bag.
3.The porter can help you with your luggage.
4.You can have a ticket for a non-smoking compartment.
5.Can you try this dress on?
6.You can watch this film if you’re over 14.
7.Jack can’t spend his pocket money on presents.
8.The visitor can wait for Mr.Smith in the waiting-room.
9.The patient can take a painkiller pill if it’s necessary.

believe-верить, compartment- купе, try on- примерять, pill-таблетка

Упражнение 8
Переведите на английский язык

1.Я могу приготовить (сделать) завтрак сам.
2.Ты можешь увидеть эти картины в Третьяковской галерее.
3.Он может потратить эти деньги на подарки.
4.Дети могут провести лето за городом.
5.Дети не могут купить билет.
6.Туристы не могут найти Третьяковскую галерею.
7.Рабочие не могут ждать.
8.Я не могу примерить этот костюм.
9.Ты можешь подождать меня?
10.Дети могут купить подарки?
11.Пациент может принять обезболивающее?
12.Можно мне пиццу?
13.Можно мне кусочек( a slice) cыра?
14.Что ты можешь увидеть в Третьяковской галерее?
15.Где мы можем провести каникулы?
16.Когда ты можешь приехать ко мне?
17.Сколько дней они могут остаться (stay) у нас?
18.Что ты можешь приготовить на завтрак?
19.Что я могу примерить?

Упражнение 9
Измените упражнение по образцу
You can break it.- It is breakable.

1.You can eat it.-
2.You can drink it.-
3.You can’t beat it.-
4.You can rely on him.-
5.You can read it.-
6.You can watch it.-
7.You can lead it.-


Упражнение 8a
Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения

см. Правила в английском языке. Модальный глагол Must

1.They must work eight hours a day.
2.You must have a foreign passport when you go abroad.
3.The workers must come a little earlier to change their clothes into uniforms.
4.The porter must take your luggage to your room.
5.The students must write down what the teacher’s speaking.
6.Jack must feed his dog three times a day.
7.You must take a decision yourself.

a foreign passport-заграничный пасспорт, change-поменять, take a decision-принять решение

Упражнения 9
Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время

1.You must declare foreign currency at the customs.
2.Children must learn a lot to choose the right profession.
3.Jack, you must eat with your right hand.
4.You must plant seeds in spring to see flowers in autumn.
5.Pam must buy seeds for birds every week.
6.Children must put on warm clothes on a cold day.

Упражнение 10
Поставьте предложения в будущее время, используя глагол have to

1.Jim must wear glasses.
2.You must follow me not to lose your way.
3.Pam must clean her room every morning.
4.You must pay for your dinner.
5.Parents must take care of their child.
6.The travelers must listen to the guide’s instructions.

Упражнение 11
Переведите на английский язык

1.Ты должен приходить во время.
2.Он должен знать дорогу.
3.Она должна знать расписание( time-table)
4.Они должны проводить лето за городом.
5.Мы должны встретить их на вокзале (railway station)
6.Вам нельзя переходить дорогу (road) здесь.
7.Вам нельзя говорить громко здесь.
8.(One) нельзя фотографировать здесь.
9.Нельзя купаться здесь.
10.Нельзя выходить(get off) из автобуса здесь.
11.Кто должен помочь нам?
12.Что я должен сделать?
13.Когда он должен закончить работу?

Упражнение 12
Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время

1.You must not waste time on talking about nothing.
2.You often complain about your troubles.You must not do it.
3.My little sister often loses her mittens or scarves. I must look after her clothes.
4.The pupils must take away all the things before writing a test.
5.You must decide yourself what to do and what to be.
6.A man must not depend on the circumstances.
7.You must think of your future profession now.
8.Parents must not shout at their children.

Упражнение 13
Сделайте предложения отрицательными

1.The passengers had to wait for their flight for ten hours.
2.Mr.Smith had to spend all his money on expensive tickets.
3.I had to apply to a policeman.
4.Jim had to choose the longest way.
5.One boy was riding a bike. The other one had to wait for his turn.
6.I had to work up to late.
7.The editor had to rewrite the article.
8.Jim had to replace the battery.
9.The patient had to take pills.

Упражнение 14
Задайте вопросы к выделенной части предложения:

1.You will have to speak to the editor.
2.The tourist had to apply to the policeman.
3.Mr.Smith had to buy a new computer for his son.
4.Jack had to prepare a report for his chef.
5.You will have to return the book to the owner.
6.The owner of the cafe will have to employ an other cook.
7.The editor had to publish the article.
8.The journalist has to reread his article twice.
9.The tourists have to have dinner at the canteen.

Упражнение 15
Переведите на русский язык:

1.What did you have to do?
2.When will he have to start workng?
3.How much will you have to pay?
4.Where did he have to stay?
5.Who will I have to speak to?
6.Who will I have to help?
7.Who will I have to congratulate?
8.Why did he have to give up smoking?
9.Who had to carry heavy suitcases?

Упражнение 16
Переведите на английский язык:

1.Что тебе пришлось купить во время поездки?
2.Сколько тебе пришлось заплатить за номер в отеле,
3.Кому придется нести тяжелые чемоданы?
4.Что вам пришлось сделать, чтобы выиграть матч?
5.Сколько раз ему пришлось повторить вопрос?
6.Что ему придется вынуть из багажа?
7.Каким рейсом ему придется лететь в Москву?
8.Какую программу тебе пришлось загрузить?

Упражнение 17
Переведите на английский язык

1.He may repair his car when he has time.
2.The Smith are going to the country at the week-end. John may have repaired his car.
3.There is noise in my neighbor’s yard. John may be repairing his auto.
4.Where’s Jack?- He must be downstairs.
5.Where’s Linda?- She must be waiting for you downstairs.
6.Where’s Sophie?-She must have left for the hospital.
7.Don’t wait for me. I must come later tonight.
8.I’d like to buy this camera but it might cost a lot of money.
9.The director might come a little later. Would you like to leave a message for him?
10.I don’t hear any noise. The children might be doing their homework.
11.He might have granted some money to the poor though he is so greedy.

Упражнение 18
Поставьте инфинитив в нужной форме

1.The train will start in a few minutes but Lilly has not come yet. She may (to change) her mind and doesn’t want to go by train.
2.Sam is still out. He must (to be) in a traffic jam.
3.I don’t know where John is. He may (to call) us up a little later.
4.The squirrel must (to be) tamed. She isn’t afraid of me.
5.The director might (to leave) a message but I can’t find it.
6.This director must (to shoot) very good films. He is very popular with the British.
7.I see Nick’s mother standing at the door. She must (to leave ) her key somewhere.
8.I heard some noise in the hall The children may (to tease) the dog. I’m afraid it can bite them.
9.I saw Helen walking in the garden. She may (to water ) the flowers.

Упражнение 19
Переведите на английский язык

1.Погода плохая. Рейс возможно отложат.
2.Должно быть, мы идем в неверном направлении. Я не помню эту улицу.
3.Спектакль, должно быть, уже начался. В фойе нет людей.
4.Должно быть, мама уже вернулась. В холле ее туфли.
5.Фильм, вероятно, интересный. Все билеты распроданы.
6.Он, возможно, ждет нас на остановке. Пойдем быстрее.
7.Ты бегаешь быстрее,чем я. Должно быть, ты много тренировался.

рейс-flight, направление-direction, спектакль- performance, распроданы- sold out

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