Чтение буквосочетаний Ur Er Ir
Чтение буквосочетаний Ur Er Ir
упражнения на ur,er,ir
Чтение буквосочетаний Ur Er Ir
этот звук похож на ё в словах нёс, плёс, нёс,свёкла.
Ex 1
her herb fir fur firm first bird girl sir stir serve burn burst curb dirt dirty
hurt nerve purple purse turn term turtle surf
curd curdle birth birthday murder curl derma
Выберите подпись для картинки
a sweet,a bee, a bird, the Moon
Ex 2
1.The bird is not dirty.
2.My birthday in on the third of May.
3.Her birthday is on Thursday.
4.Her purse is purple.
5.This firm is on the third floor.
6.What color is the bird?
7.What color are the turtles?
8.Sir, can I help you?
9.I have English on Thursday.