Used to

Used to
как по-английски сказать когда-то, вывало,что

Used to
как увлечь ребенка английским языком
какая разница между прошедшим временем и перфектом
английские головоломки

Used to


1.I used to tell my children funny stories . Now they are students and often remember these stories.
2.My friend told me about his trip to Turkey . I asked him about the sights but he couldn’t say anything as he had spent most of his time on the beach .

1.On Sundays my father used to take me to the Zoo. In the 1990s the Zoo was closed as there were no funds to feed animals.
2.Sam took his wife to the Crimea in summer. She was ill and two weeks at the seaside did her much good.

Упражнение 1
Переведите на русский яз.

1.I used to spend much time at the library when I was a student.
2.My parents used to take mе to our country house on week-ends when I was little.
3.I often remember my grandmother. She used to get up early in the morning to milk the cow. Then she made butter and sour cream.
4.You used to spend a lot of time on the beach during your holidays.
5.My son used to write with his left hand when he was a pupil. Now he can write with both his hands.
6.My former director used to be late for work.
7.Tom used to deceive aunt Polly as he didn’t like working.

Упражнение 2
Ответьте на вопросы

1.What games did you use to play when you were little?
2.What fairy tales did your granny use to tell you?
3.Where did your parents use to spend their holidays?
4.What did you use to do on a snowy winter day?
5.What cartoons did you use to watch when you were a child?

Упражнение 3
Задайте вопросы к каждому предложению и постройте отрицательное предложение

1.This used to be my playground.
2.This hairstyle used to be in fashion in 1970s.
3.He used to perform stunts himself.
4.The old woman used to sit on her balcony watching the passers-by .
5.Viktor used to sleep on a bus on his way to the University .

Упражнение 4
Переведите на английский язык

1.Как и все дети, он озорничал в детстве.
2.Как и многие студенты, он готовился к экзаменам ночью.
3.Он много бегал, прыгал, плавал.Но год назад он оставил спорт и сейчас много времени проводит в офисе.
4.Эта старушка была красивой в молодости и часто ездила на балы.
5.Моя бабушка бывало говорила: «Не спеши становиться взрослым».
6.Мы сидели вокруг костра и пели песни.
7.Петровы всегда сажали красивые цветы. Но в прошлом году они переехали в город.
8.Когда он был маленьким, он задавал много вопросов.Сейчас он интересуется только компьютерными играми.
9.Бабушка, что ты делала перед экзаменами?

озорничать-be naughty, как- like , бал- ball, взрослый- adult, интересоваться- be interested in оставить, бросить-give up спешить-hurry up

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